How Does Geothermal
Energy Work?


The Well-Connect® system harnesses geothermal energy to heat homes and businesses. But what is geothermal energy and how does it work? Geothermal energy is the heat that naturally exists underground. A geothermal heat pump, like Well-Connect, simply uses the earth’s energy to ‘pump’ heat into or out of your home.

Well-Connect, a hybrid water-source geothermal heat pump is the only system designed to operate simultaneously with an existing furnace. It is the most affordable way for rural homeowners to heat and cool their homes. Awarded patents in the United States and Canada as a result, learn how our a hybrid geothermal system can save you money, reduce your carbon footprint, and keep your family comfortable all year long.

What Is Hybrid Geothermal?

Well-Connect is a hybrid system because it’s backed up by a traditional heating source (an existing furnace) on the coldest days of the year. Well-Connect does not replace your current heating system – it works alongside it. Well-Connect is the only patented system designed to operate simultaneously with an existing furnace. In the same way a hybrid vehicle greatly reduces the need for gas, doubling fuel efficiency, a Well-Connect significantly reduces the amount of money you spent on wood, fuel oil or propane.

Unlike other open-loop geothermal systems Well-Connect requires a 75% lower water flow rate which means almost any well can support a Well-Connect. Because it is not necessary to replace your existing heating system or to install equipment underground, installation is easier, faster, and less expensive.


So, How Does a Hybrid Heat Pump Work?

Well-Connect draws water from a home’s existing well, up into the unit (housed in a basement, crawl space or utility closet). Here, it passes through a vapor compression process, just like a refrigerator uses, to heat (or cool) the home to the desired temperature. Once the water has passed through the heat exchanger, it is safely returned to the ground to be re-absorbed by the earth. On very cold days, a home’s existing furnace or wood stove is used for supplemental heating.

On hot summer days, Well-Connect draws warm air from your home and moves it underground – cooling your home all summer long for as little as $50. If you already have an air conditioning system, it can be used as a backup to the Well-Connect.


What About an Air-Source
Heat Pump or Mini Split?

Compared to an air-source heat pump or mini split, Well-Connect is twice as efficient, more reliable, and will last longer as there are no outdoor components.

Air-source heat pumps are much less efficient than ground-source heat pumps like Well-Connect. Because they rely on the temperature of the air, they are greatly affected by extreme temperatures on the hottest and coldest days of the year. Because ground temperature is constant (around 50 degrees), a Well-Connect provides 400% efficiency year-round.

Does Geothermal Heat
Work in a House?

Yes, absolutely. Well-Connect is a unique, hybrid system that
uses a home’s existing well.

Well-Connect allows rural homeowners (those with an existing well) to heat and cool their home for half – and reduce their dependence on traditional energy sources like fuel oil, propane and wood.

Is a Hybrid Geothermal System Expensive?

Homeowners are often priced out of the market by ground-source geothermal systems. While incredibly efficient and inexpensive to operate, these closed-loop systems require heavy excavation equipment to install, making the typical initial cost range from $30,000 to $40,000.

In comparison, a Well-Connect system will typically cost $12,000 - $15,000 installed. After tax credits and incentives, the average homeowner may expect to pay $8,000 - $10,000 out of pocket. With financing available, homeowners see a significant monthly cost savings immediately.


Choose a Well-Connect Geothermal System

If you’re seeking a cleaner, more affordable way to keep your home comfortable year-round, Well-Connect may be right for you. Well-Connect households save well over $1,000 a year on heating and cooling and tens of thousands of dollars over the life of the system. Ideal homeowners – those with a well and a propane or fuel oil furnace or woodstove – will also dramatically reduce their dependence on polluting fuel sources.

Ready to take the next step? Request more information online or call (989) 356-2113 to learn if Well-Connect is right for your home.
